Anti-Counterfeit patent solution with unique identifier

/Anti-Counterfeit patent solution with unique identifier
Anti-Counterfeit patent solution with unique identifier 2017-12-07T02:34:09+00:00

JA-BrandGuard is a patented Anti-Counterfeit solution that uses laser marking, laser printing, inkjet printing or other printing systems with a stochastic system to provide a unique identifier.

WHAT   |   WHO   |   WHERE |   WHY   |   HOW   |   WHEN

WHAT is a JA-BrandGuard?


anti-counterfeit solution asia

Our solution is based on two security features:

Security Feature I: Encrypted marking

anti-counterfeit singapore

The key to our stochastic security lies in the total random nature of the encoding system; it is not based on an algorithmic encoding but on a unique, randomly-generated encryption. And being totally random, the encoding system is virtually impossible to break.

The anti-counterfeit system uses laser perforation or engraving but, instead of generating a completely uniform design, a number of the laser generated perforations are selected (or randomly chosen) and their position altered slightly, but randomly, from the norm in the formal structure.

By means of the displacement (modulation) of the spatial coordinates of the apertures on the axes “X” and “Y”  several independent hidden codes are embedded into the visible personalization (serial number, logo etc.).

anti-counterfeit product

Security Feature II: Code of material

stop counterfeit of products

The method relies on the fact that each and every material has a specific unique micro and macro structure (crystal structure, amorphous inclusion of various particles, fibres, grains and etc.) which are unevenly distributed in the material and on its surface.

Although the items are produce by the same material (e.g. steel for machine parts, et c.), the surface structure is different for the different items. This is impossible to be counterfeited, replicated, copied or cloned even if the one acquires the same technology or know-how, as it is unique from a structural point of view, i.e. have its own “fingerprint” – a totally random and unique identifier – we call a code of material.

The verification rate is high even though the protected item (document, goods, label, packaging etc.) is worn out.

WHO should use JA-BrandGuard?

JA-BrandGuard is suitable for Brand Owners for protection of goods, Government Agencies for protection of High Security documents or Laser Marking suppliers looking to provide enhanced service to their customers. The anti-counterfeit technology has primarily been used in the security documents sector and we are now applying it in new areas.

Reference Projects

anti-counterfeit technology Laser and typo numbering machines for passports

Encrypted marks implemented in identity cards.
Security labels.
logoBDr(1)Laser machine for encrypted face image.

cyprusLaser machine and reading devices for encrypted face image  implemented in Cyprus E-passports 

Laser perforation machines for encrypted marks and code from material implemented in identity cards.

WHERE JA-BrandGuard can be applied?

Our anti-counterfeit solution can be applied over any kind of material such as protected metal objects like machines or machine parts, protected glass objects like ampoules, bottles, pharmacy packaging, labels, etc.

Demo of JA-BrandGuard on a Metal Surface in Test Environment

Demo of Laser Marking on Labels

WHY JA-BrandGuard should be used?

safe from counterfeits

Multi-Level Encryption anti-counterfeit

The current method allows a multi-layered authentication process:

  • A multilevel encryption, where several different organization units (O1 – ON ) can have its own portion of information encrypted as per their predefined or randomly chosen algorithm.
  • In a particular example above, we have a number plate with secure encrypted micro-perforation on a logo and serial number. Only the respective control bodies would be able to verify the authenticity.
  • Possible scenarios for a multi-layered anti-counterfeit solution can be 1 layer of authentication by consumers using their smart-phones, 1 layer of authentication given to distributors using a high-mag USB camera for material coding, 1 layer to law enforcement, 1 layer to in-house supply chain managers and 1 layer to the brand protection department.

HOW JA-BrandGuard can protect you from counterfeits?

anti-counterfeit system

Our solution allows anyone in the world to be part of the fight against counterfeiting using a Smartphone to scan the encrypted marking, sending it to a central database and receiving an instant response. This allows end customer to verify the authenticity of the product themselves.

WHEN JA-BrandGuard can be used?

anti-counterfeit tracking

The offered anti-counterfeit solutions are applicable for any kind of products from aircraft and automotive parts, machine parts, clothes, media products to pharmaceuticals and food products. Easily implemented over the product itself or over its package be means of laser marking, printing, etc.

Here are just a few examples of its many unique applications:

  • Machines, aircraft and automotive parts, machine parts
    • Proof of origin and manufacturer.
    • Protection against counterfeiting.
    • Protection against total removal of the marking.
    • Track and trace.
    • Quality control and assurance.
  • Any kind of goods and products
    • Implemented over the product, its package or over the label of the product.
  • Media products – CD, DVD
    • Proof of origin and manufacturer.
    • Protection against counterfeiting.
    • Protection against unauthorised copy.
  • Food products
    • Proof of origin and manufacturer.
    • Track and trace
  • Pharmaceutical products
    • Proof of origin and manufacturer.
    • Protection against counterfeiting.
    • Track and trace.
  • Security labels with multi-level encrypted marks for sealing group-packages