Company Products

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New Feature that will improve the Portable GPS Trackers’ Battery Life

Our New Feature that will improve the Portable GPS Tracker Battery LifeJA Security’s Personal GPS Trackers and Portable GPS Trackers will now have an added feature that will prolong battery life of the devices by several folds! The applicable products are: Watchlock, Freightcheck, and TrackMe.One of the biggest requests raised by our customers is to [...]

By | 2017-12-07T02:34:10+00:00 November 29th, 2015|Company Products|Comments Off on New Feature that will improve the Portable GPS Trackers’ Battery Life

GPS Tracker Rental

Driving to Malaysia over the weekend or for a road trip during the year end holidays? Let’s face it! Any Car Can Be Stolen. Some take longer, but most can disappear in as little as 60 seconds. In addition, less than 1 out of 10 cars are recovered and returned to the car owners. Prevent [...]

By | 2017-12-07T02:34:10+00:00 October 28th, 2015|Company Products|Comments Off on GPS Tracker Rental

Singapore GPS Tracker

Singapore GPS Tracker:Worry less with New GPS Tracker that is small in size but packed with innovation!Meet TrackMe Compact, the small, concealable and handy device that protects your assets and your precious ones. Meet FleetWatch, the ideal vehicle tracker for your fleet of cars, lorries, motor-bikes, etc. Spend less time worrying.   We each wear [...]

By | 2017-12-07T02:34:10+00:00 October 15th, 2015|Company Products|Comments Off on Singapore GPS Tracker

Full Screen GPS Monitoring

JA Security and Innovations enhances its NEW MAPPING images at JASI Online platform, on a FULL screen with faster and easy-to-access tools and services for all of our products!JA goes now into the BIG SCREEN! Starting this week, the integrated MAPPING images, routes, icons and graphical tools will be shown on the screen in a [...]

By | 2017-12-07T02:34:11+00:00 October 7th, 2015|Company Products|Comments Off on Full Screen GPS Monitoring

GPS Tracking in Myanmar

JA Security and Innovations is proud to serve the Myanmar market, with our GPS Tracking solutions. Myanmar is vigorously developing the 3G network and other infrastructure. We foresee a growing demand in the logistics industry to track assets including vehicles. JA-SI is proud to provide gps tracking in Myanmar. Contact us now!

By | 2017-12-07T02:34:12+00:00 July 28th, 2015|Company Products|Comments Off on GPS Tracking in Myanmar